The days forecast called for light tradewinds – 15 knots from the east.  And Madrone’s crew were lazy sailors today – instead of going to the effort rigging our whisker pole for maximum downwind speed, we just raised a double-reefed main and sat back to enjoy a leisurely 18 mile sail along the south coast of Molokai.

Visit from a pod of dolphins while sailing down Pailolo Channel

Of course, once we entered Pailolo Channel where the wind is compressed between Maui and Molokai, the light tradewinds built to 30 knots.  So our leisurely downwind cruise became an exciting high-wind romp, complete with a few 10’+ waves.

Kaunakakai Anchorage

Our extra speed put us into Kaunakakai Harbor at the peak of the afternoon winds, so we again had plenty of howling wind to help us set our anchor.

Molokai Burger, Yum!

Kaunakakai feels like what we imagine most of Hawaii was like before a lot of tourists arrived.  There are no hotels and only minimal tourism.  The town has a couple of streets with a few restaurants and grocery stores.  Lucky for us, one of those restaurants is Molokai Burger (which advertises itself as the only drive-in on the island).

Pete & Barbara of S/V Slip Away

We enjoyed a nice evening aboard Slip Away with our new friends Pete and Barbara – we shared the anchorage with them in Radio Bay and were happy to meet them again here.