
Jumble of islands on our radar – we couldn’t see any of them

We’ve had generally great weather for the start of the month. Most of the locals we talk to say that this kind of settled, sunny, warm (for this part of the world, at least) weather generally doesn’t come for another month or two.

We got the settled part for our rounding of Cape Caution, but warm and sunny it was not. We awoke to dense fog with visibility under a quarter mile. By the time we had motored out beyond the various rocks and islands to open water, we could make out the outlines of islands about a half mile away.


Beautiful sailing – please ignore the poor main halyard tension

The forecast called for winds from the northwest, and of course northwest is the direction we are heading. But with the fog came a switch in the wind, and it came from a little south of west. This put the boat on a close reach, which is the point of sailing that Madrone likes best. With the 10-15 knots of breeze, we sailed at 6-7+ knots nearly all the way to our anchorage about 20 miles north of the cape.

We arrived at Fury Cove on the BC mainland mid-afternoon and spent a few nice hours roaming the beautiful shell beach and chatting with another boat who’d been in the anchorage for a few days.


In search of perfect jib trim