In case you haven’t figured it out already, it rains a lot in the Pacific Northwest. Portland is wet, Seattle is a little wetter, and the rainfall generally increases as you move north. The climate zone in our part of the world
is actually called “Temperate Rain Forest”.

Tall Waterfall
While there are definite downsides to all the rain, one of the benefits is that all that water has to go somewhere. Up here the narrow channels pass between steep mountains and cliffs, and the rain gathers into streams that then cascade down those cliffs in waterfalls.
Today we travelled north up Finlayson Channel to Heikish Narrows and then up Princess Royal Channel, all of it in heavy overcast skies that were punctuated by rain squalls. We passed a waterfall every 5-10 minutes – some only dropped the last 50-100 feet, but some started several thousand feet above sea level.
All in all, a nice way to spend a rainy day.