
Race Rocks light at the east entrance of the Strait of Juan de Fuca – first rain we’ve had in 3 weeks must mean that summer is over…

We’ve had a fantastic trip, and it’s with mixed feelings that we’re heading home.

On one hand, it will be good to be in more regular contact with friends and family, good to have some job-related mental exercise, and good to have some of the conveniences of land (unlimited fresh water!  showers that last as long as we want!).

On the other hand, it feels like we’ve only scratched the surface in terms of exploring the BC and Alaska coast.  It’s hard to believe after spending 4 months voyaging, but we’ve likely seen only 5% or less of what’s available up here.


Sunrise astern as we head west early on a beautiful morning

So, the preparations for heading down the coast have started – deflating and stowing the dinghy and all its gear, rigging jacklines on the decks, securely stowing anything that moves down below, checking the engine and running gear, …

A 4:15am wakeup to catch the ebb tide that will wash us out the strait and into the ocean – please wish us good weather on the trip south down the coast!