Who knows why a specific image sticks in mind? This iconic picture of a surfer paddling out at Cojo by Ron Stoner has stuck with Mike for more than 20 years.
Any surfer can tell you that surf history and lore is part of the sport. There are some mythical surf spots that are key parts of that history – Pipeline, Rincon, Malibu, and Jeffrey’s Bay, for example. Another is Cojo.
The 30 or so miles stretching west of Santa Barbara to Point Conception is known as Hollister Ranch, or just The Ranch. Hosting only a hundred or so 100+ acre homesites, it’s one of the last undeveloped stretches of Southern California beachfront. It’s also home to a large number of well known surf breaks, including Cojo at the far western end.
There are two ways to surf Cojo – hike down the beach after illegally crossing Hollister Ranch private property, or anchor your boat legally in the public waters off the beach. We chose the latter, arriving at Cojo in the evening after a brisk sail across Santa Barbara Channel from San Miguel Island.

Later in the afternoon a few other guys showed up and enjoyed the waves- this is one of the smaller sets
The next morning, we awoke to glassy calm conditions, a 3-4 foot swell, and no one else visible for miles. We surfed clean shoulder high waves with only two curious harbor seals and one pelican for companions.