The dinghy hangs from the arch and provides a perfect spot to store surfboards when we’re in protected waters
The surf at Cojo was so good that we couldn’t leave! The wind came up in the early evening, and that ruined the wave shape and eliminated the possibility of another surf session. So, we just decided to stay and catch it again the following morning.
We awoke at dawn again and were greeted by the same glassy calm, beautiful conditions. Squeezing into our wetsuits, we loaded the boards into the dinghy and took the 2 minute ride over to the channel at the edge of the breaking waves. We dropped the anchor, jumped in, and had a short paddle to the takeoff spot.
The swell was dying, so instead of chest-high, glassy, peeling waves we had waist-high, glassy, peeling waves. And this time our curious harbor seal friends were joined by a pair of sea otters resting in the kelp beds to the side of the break.