Making the 2 mile walk to the nearest gas station that sells diesel, in order to fill our 2 jerry jugs and top off Madrone’s diesel tank
Our day to day life aboard Madrone while in port is largely split into two pieces – taking care of the boat and taking care of ourselves. Each is a never-ending task; as soon as one thing is checked off the list, something new seems to replace it.
We work hard at keeping Madrone in good condition – our theory is that if we take good care of her, she’ll do the same for us. This means that while at a dock with access to large flat surfaces and unlimited AC power and water, we need to chip away at our maintenance list.
In Ensenada, that included washing the boat (twice actually, once when we arrived to get rid of the ocean salt, and once after the Viento de Santana covered the decks in a thick film of dust), replacing an anchor roller, installing new wheels on the transom of our dinghy to make it easier to quickly pull up the beach away from the crashing surf, topping off water and diesel tanks, and rewiring our watermaker to ensure good voltage levels at the end of a long wire run.
Taking care of ourselves includes keeping the boat full of good food and drink, doing laundry, visiting some of the sights of town and the surrounding area, and sampling the local cuisine. Without a car, each of these simple things can easily turn into a half-day or more expedition.
It never ceases to amaze us how quickly the time goes on any given day!