Almost any time the question is “Do you want to go sailing?”, the answer is yes. So, when some friends asked a few months ago if we’d be interested in chartering a catamaran with them for a week of sailing in the BVIs, we immediately agreed.
Of course it’s a long, long trip from Mexico to the BVIs. And of course we’d essentially be doing the same things there that we do in Mexico aboard Madrone. But we really like being on boats, and we really like being around our friends, so the decision was a no-brainer.
Luckily for us, our friends did nearly all of the prep work for the trip. They arranged to charter the boat and also found services that provide freshly prepared, home-cooked meals as well as snacks and drinks. So, all we had to do was to show up on time.
Showing up on time turned out to take some doing:
- Walk from the boat to the taxi pickup spot
- Taxi from La Cruz to the Puerto Vallarta airport
- Bus from the airport terminal to the plane
- Flight to Denver
- Airtrain from the international to the domestic terminal
- Flight to Newark
- Flight to St Thomas, USVI
- Taxi from the airport to the ferry dock
- Ferry to Roadtown, BVI
- Taxi from the ferry dock to the charter boat
We actually made it without incident and arrived to find our boat for the week and our friends waiting for us!