Once a week on Zoom we get together to bake a delicious treat

Madrone is in the Southern Hemisphere, and if you’re reading this you’re probably in the Northern Hemisphere. We’re geographically a long way apart, but in some sense the pandemic has brought us closer together – most people, no matter where they are on the planet, are doing the same thing these days.  That is, staying put, staying away from others as much as reasonably possible, and hoping that things get back to something closer to normal soon.

Madrone’s galley set-up for family Zoom baking

Another thing that a lot of people are doing these days is using video calling to stay in touch.  Angie’s family is no different, and they are making the best of being home bound by having a weekly Casazza family bake-together on Zoom.

Focaccia baked in Ashland, OR

Angie’s mom Jan is at home in Redwood City, CA, her brother Curt is teaching high school remotely from home in Sacramento, CA, and her niece Kyla has transitioned to taking online classes at SOU in Ashland, OR.  Angie is the nautical baker in the bunch and is of course baking aboard Madrone.

Ciabatta baked in Redwood City, CA

The baking sessions started with focaccia, and continued with ciabatta, baguette, biscotti.  Everyone follows the same recipe at the same time, and it’s fascinating to observe the differences in both the dough and the finished product depending on the quality of the ingredients and the ambient temperature and humidity.

Biscotti baked in Sacramento, CA

It’s not quite making lemonade out of lemons – lemonade is not baked.  But Mike is not complaining about the plethora of baked goods coming out of the oven.


Enjoying baguettes baked in Valdivia, Chile



Casazza family Ciabatta


Casazza family Focaccia


Casazza family Biscotti


Casazza Family Baguettes