Just like with life ashore, cruising life is all about balance. We find that neglecting maintenance projects so that we can maximize our sailing time makes us nervous about something serious breaking on the boat. And during our months of nearly non-stop projecting, we found that working on maintenance all of the time made us really want to go sailing.

The ideal situation, for us at least, falls somewhere in the middle – enough working on the boat to keep our confidence level in Madrone’s condition high, but not so much that we’re slaves to the boat.

So after exploring the extreme sides of that balance in the past year, we’re hoping to get back to somewhere in the middle. And the first step is a simple one – stop working on projects and go sailing!

For our first post-project mini-cruise, our goal was to stay close to “home”, take it easy, and test all the various changes we made over the last several months. Luckily, St. Simons Sound is a perfect location for that. Over the course of almost a week, we hopped from anchorage to anchorage, never ending up more than 10nm from where we started.

It’s great to be on the move again during the day, and it’s great to be gently rocking at anchor again at night. We’re very happy to be off the dock again.