If there were a contest for most quintessential Swedish island village, Käringön would be likely to win. A small working harbor is ringed with brightly painted wooden cottages, and summer homes for the rocky outcroppings.

The island is car-free, only serviced by a passenger ferry from nearby Orust. Or, of course, people are welcome to visit by private boat, and many do. A small marina flanks the working harbor, and by evening it was nearly full even in the time before the high season.

To say that the village is picturesque is a huge understatement, but the charm is not the Käringön’s only draw. It’s also home to Peterson’s Krog, a restaurant famous across Scandinavia. It is reportedly quite difficult to get a table during the peak of summer, but we were lucky to be in Käringön early in the season.

The restaurant’s reputation turned out to be well-deserved, and we enjoyed what was likely the best grilled fish we’ve ever had.