We first arrived in the UK more than 2 years ago. Our plan was to spend a winter exploring London from a snug berth in St Katharine Docks, then enjoy a summer in Scandinavia before sailing back across the Atlantic. But plans have a way of changing, and the purchase of Oso meant a second winter in the UK (and a crazy amount of boat work).

Sunset over Falmouth on our way south to France
Wing on wing in our way across the Channel

We really enjoy the UK, but after a second English winter of long, dark nights seemingly only interrupted by a few hours of cold, rainy, grey skies during each day we have been looking forward to warmer weather, sunnier skies, and more settled weather. So with our new liferaft safely secured to the deck, Oso sailed gently out of Falmouth on a following breeze, bound for warmer climes.

After a peaceful night at anchor after our arrival, we stopped for a night at the Camaret-sur-Mer marina to complete check-in formalities.  We happened to be at the marina the night the Finistere Sailing Tour Race was scheduled to stop in Camaret-sur-Mer. With over 100 boats participating in the race the marina was packed full.  Oso had a Belgian boat tied up outside of her for the night
Race boats on their way out the following morning
After the mayhem of the race departure the marina became a more tranquil place again

Reversing our path from two years ago, we again dropped anchor in Camaret-sur-Mer, France, just south of Brest. It’s only one overnight away from the UK, but it feels like a different world – the sun feels brighter, and being south of the English Channel somehow takes cold bite out of the wind from the Atlantic.

It feels like the start of summer…