We’re Angie and Mike Zelman, and we are lucky enough to have a sailboat that’s taken us north to Puget Sound, coastal British Columbia, up past Glacier Bay in Alaska, to the Hawaiian Islands and back, to Mexico, the Galapagos, Easter Island, mainland Chile, Patagonia, north in the Atlantic to the Caribbean, up the east coast of the United States to Maine, then across the Atlantic to Bermuda, the Azores, and Spain then on to England. The boat is currently exploring the west coast of Sweden.

Angie is not a natural born sailor, but is a natural born trip planner and packer. She currently serves as Chief Safety Officer, Chief Provisioning Officer, as well as leading the Wildlife Viewing Department.

Mike grew up sailing dinghies with his family in Missouri. He pretends to know what he is doing, and pretends to never be intimidated by the conditions. He serves as the Chief Repair Officer, and it seems unlikely that he’ll be out of work, ever.