

The hiking in Pruth Bay was fantastic.  Much of the land around the anchorage is part of the Hakai Luxvbalis Conservancy, and there is a broad network of trails through the forested hills.


Boardwalks make for passable trails through the rainforest

Many of the muddiest sections of the trails have boardwalks built to allow for easier access. This is a welcome change because most of the time we hike in knee-high rubber boots and trudge through boggy primitive trails.


Beach at the end of one of the forest trails

The highlight of the trail system is a set of ten white sand beaches overlooking the open Pacific Ocean. We were lucky enough to be there during nice, settled weather and were able to take full advantage.

After we arrived, we hiked out to the beach to enjoy a beautiful sunset.  The next day, we explored some of the beaches to the south.

Great hiking in a spectacular setting.


Beautiful sunset over the North Pacific


Driftwood blown ashore by storms. Nearly every beach exposed to the open ocean looks something like this – not a place to be in the winter!


Convenient perch for sunset viewing