
Madrone at anchor – not seen are most of the 40 other boats sharing the anchorage with us!

For the last few months, we’ve been sailing in areas where it’s not that common to see other boats.  We’ve sometimes shared anchorages with one or two other boats, and we’ve usually been happy to have them there for company!


We added a small cairn to the collection at the end of a trail

Now that we are getting closer to the Canadian/US border, the number of boats and people seems to be growing exponentially.  We spent the last two nights in very popular Canadian anchorages (Octopus Islands and Rebecca Spit), and we’ve been anchored with 30-40 other boats each night.


Spectacular sunset

It’s easy to understand why there are so many boats in these places – the scenery is beautiful, the weather is better than further north, and they are much easier to get to.

What a change!