We’re about 70 miles east of Hilo now. We likely won’t make it there before dark, so we’ve slowed the boat down to arrive just after sunrise. We much prefer entering new harbors during daylight hours, especially if we may need to hunt a bit for a spot to drop the anchor.

After 14 days of continually trying to make the boat go faster, it feels unnatural to slow down. But, hopefully we’ll have a nice view of the twinkling city lights in the distance tonight.

Yesterday Mike took advantage of the beautiful conditions to do a little hair trimming in advance of landfall. The bow was the right spot since the wind blew all the hair bits forward! Mike also generously offered to cut Angie’s hair – she declined, for some unknown reason…

Day 14: 171nm
Position: 20 03’N 153 23’W


Hair trimming on the bow