Sailing from place to place is a great way to travel, but since it’s slow it means a lot of time spent on the boat. And time spent on the boat is time that we don’t spend on land moving around. The result is that our leg muscles may not be in the same condition they were when we first left.
Today was hiking day, and one of the high hills overlooking the anchorage beckoned. We set out from the “town” of Two Harbors up the Trans-Catalina Trail.

At the summit we discovered a wood box- inside hikers wrote their names and the date of their visit- Madrone’s crew added to the list
The path started climbing, passing historic Banning House a few minutes in. We continued to climb, and then climbed a little further. A little further turned into a lot further, and we ended up taking regular breaks – we said they were to admire the views of the Pacific to the west and San Pedro Channel to the east, but in reality we needed to catch our breath and give our legs a break!
We turned off at the Cat Harbor Overlook trail, and things finally started to level off. The reward for the effort was a fantastic overlook more than 1200 feet up.
We definitely need to spend more time hiking!