San Diego has been a fabulous stop on our way south. This is, by far, the big city that has been the most welcoming to those travelling by boat.

Getting ready to take a Lime scooter, one of many electric scooter shares, to buzz through the city to our next destination
The entire waterfront of Shelter Island and Point Loma is more or less dedicated to marine services. There are chandleries (including Downwind Marine, which features super friendly and helpful staff), canvas shops, metal fabricators, and boat maintenance businesses on every block.

We tied up our dinghy at the public dinghy dock to access downtown- surprisingly we weren’t the only dinghy there…
The city sets aside areas for transient boaters to anchor legally and safely, and there are even several dinghy docks available for folks who are anchored out to easily get ashore.
And, of course, there’s the weather. While our sample size is small, each day of the almost two weeks we spent in San Diego featured sunny skies with temperatures between 74 and 78F.
San Diego exceeded our expectations, and it’s hard to leave!