Ramen with Angie’s parents in Redwood City

After a quick couple days in Portland we flew down to the San Francisco Bay area to visit with Angie’s family.

Knowing we were going to be stopping at Angie’s parents’ house, we ordered all the spare parts and boat gear we needed- turns out we needed a lot!

The timing was perfect for us to watch Angie’s brother Curt compete in the Western States Endurance Run.   Covering 100 miles and taking runners up and over the Sierra Nevada mountains, Western States is to endurance running as Wimbledon is to tennis.

Riding in a bus to the Michigan Bluff aid station to see Curt running Western States

Curt’s goal was to finish in under 24 hours – he did that handily, crossing the line in 23 hours, 5 minutes.  It’s a super impressive accomplishment, and one that both Mike and Angie agree they never want to attempt…

Greeting Curt at Michigan Bluff, mile 55.7


Still looking good over half way through the race


Making a sign to cheer on her brother


Family and friends helping Curt have a bite to eat and change his socks at the Foresthill aid station, mile 62


Running across the finish line with his family, well under 24 hours!


Celebrating Curt’s accomplishment


Relaxing in a recliner after the race, surrounded by his family and friends