Madrone is safely tied to the dock at Club Nautico Reloncavi in Chinquihue just outside Puerto Montt, Chile. This is the first dock Madrone has touched since leaving Puerto Vallarta in October – it’s probably the longest continuous time she’s ever spent without being alongside.

We rolled our laundry up the dock, grabbed a local bus to town and dropped it off at the lavandería. It was ready 2 days later and we reversed the process back to the boat
We’re taking care of the normal post-passage chores while here – rinsing the accumulated salt away, inspecting mechanical fittings and tightening screws and bolts that have rattled loose while sailing, and cleaning a huge pile of laundry.
We’re also taking advantage of having other people around. We’re the only Americans at the dock, but we’ve met Daniel and Rita from Switzerland aboard their beautiful Hallberg-Rassy 43 Maramalda, the crews of two French boats, and the owners of some local Chilean boats as well.

Provisioning while at a dock is much easier than provisioning by dinghy in an anchorage, like in the Galapagos and Easter Island
At this point, Madrone is ready to head south for some cruising around the Chiloe area. However, the Customs folks at Easter Island made a mistake with our temporary import permit for the boat. So, we’re waiting to have that fixed before we’re able to start exploring anchorages in Chile. Hopefully soon….