Astute readers of S/V Madrone’s adventures may have noticed that stopped working recently.

It turns out that the tool we use to build the map on the “Where Madrone’s Been” page enjoyed a major new version release at the beginning of January. While the author of the tool said that “extensive testing” had been done, but he/she must not have tested with our configuration.

The tool update ended up causing a fatal error on the website. Not only could you not see the site, once we got connected to the only internet in 500 miles we couldn’t even log in to fix the error.

After a lot of web sleuthing, some furious searching for old unused passwords, and more colorful language than we’d like to admit, the site seems to be working again.

We’re currently located in Puerto Eden, and while there is at least internet here, the speed is way to slow to update the map or upload many pictures. But we’ll do our best to include some text updates as we make our way further south.

Nice to have you back!