Before becoming a full-time sailor, Mike worked for a company headquartered in Lidköping, on the south shore of Vanern. With Madrone already in Sweden, it was a perfect opportunity to visit former colleagues and good friends from work days.

Madrone negotiated narrow winding passages between the thousands of islands in the lake and anchored near Spiken, an idyllic fishing village outside of Lidköping. Once there, we had a fantastic time reconnecting with friends, catching up just a little bit about former work and a lot about the rest of life. And of course we were made to feel very welcome, with a boat escort through the islands, the loan of a car while in town, and a bbq and fantastic dinner at a local restaurant.

Traveling halfway around the world by sailboat is a time-inefficient way to make the journey to see friends, but it was absolutely fantastic to arrive and see everyone again.