A few days ago we awoke to the pitter patter of something walking around on the deck above our berth.   We have an occasional bird that lands on our boat and walks around looking for a tasty treat.  Usually with a bird, a few knocks on the hull and it will fly away and find another place to land.   So, we gently rapped on the ceiling above our bed, but to no avail.  The sound of feet walking over our heads continued.

Angie, nominated by Mike to be in charge of anything having to do with animals, got up to have a look out the port.  She was very surprised to see a river otter resting on the deck outside of the port.IMG_2396  He (or she) proceeded to hang out, groom some, then climb into the cockpit to relieve himself (thanks otter!), hop out onto the  deck for a little more preening and then dive back into the ocean.

That was a new wildlife experience for us!