The downside of misadventures during our passage – whether it’s a line in the prop, or less than ideal weather, or waves finding their way into the boat – is that they take a lot of time and effort to fix. And it can sometimes be a challenge to keep up a flow of positive energy if too many of them happen in close succession.

The upside of those challenges is that they provide good topics to for our daily updates. Without them, we are left to write about what is seeming to be a repetitive topic – it’s been another near perfect sailing day.

We have 13-16 knots of breeze on the stern quarter – just enough to push Madrone steadily to the northeast, but not so much that the sea state has picked up uncomfortably. The bright sun is almost never obscured by the tufts of white cotton in the sky. It’s still shorts and t-shirt warm during the day, even if the nights have turned noticeably cooler.

If every day were like this one, a lot more people would travel by sailboat.

Day seven: 147 nm
Position: 36 32N 154 37W