Today’s main event was the big right turn to start heading for the California coast in earnest. At about 5pm local, we carefully turned the boat about 50 degrees to starboard. After all of our sailing to get to this area of the ocean, and after all the reviews of the various weather forecasts to determine the right point for the turn, all it took was five clicks of the autopilot button to make the turn! Then we were able to get back to our other urgent projects aboard, such as finishing our current books, having a nap, and contemplating what to enjoy for dinner.

As we’re near the high now, the wind is light at 10-12 knots and the seas are small at 2-3′. Our turn brought the wind forward of the beam for the first time in a few days, so we trimmed the sails for a close reach. Madrone skipped happily over the small waves and made good time eastward.

Our big surprise of the day was to have the sun set and the moon rise in new locations!

Day nine: 159 nm
Position: 39 31N 149 39W