Even though we were in Redwood City during the dead of winter, we still got some nice weather that lived up to the town’s motto
A quick trip home from Mexico still takes some doing. After a couple of days of prep to shut the boat down for a week, we started on the trip home. A water taxi from the marina to the town of Barra led to a taxi to the bus station in Melaque. A four-and-a-half hour bus ride later, we took a taxi from the bus station to the airport. After that, the nonstop flight to San Francisco seemed very quick.

Asian food is hard to find in Mexico, so first stop in Redwood City was Orenchi, our favorite ramen spot
We enjoyed a visit with Angie’s parents in Redwood City before heading on to St. Louis for a few days. Both stops were welcome – it was nice to be back in our home culture and really fun to visit with family.

The weather in St Louis was a far cry from the warm & sunny weather we have become accustomed to in Mexico
One of the challenges of Mexico is finding specialized boat parts that we need, and a second challenge is getting the parts shipped once we find them. So we took advantage of being in the US to have a series of deliveries made to Mike’s mom’s place, and we were able to carry them back to the boat in our luggage.
A whirlwind trip, but also a great opportunity to visit and reconnect with family that we haven’t seen for a while.

No trip to St Louis is complete without the obligatory stop at Imo’s Pizza!