We’re happy to be back in the US. First stop is a few days at Angie’s parents house outside of San Francisco, and everyone is doing their best to keep the everyone else coronavirus-free. This means wearing masks around the family (conveniently for us, Angie’s mom made us CDC-approved 3-ply cotton masks), keeping at least 6 feet away from each other, and only sitting together to talk outside the house.

A yard sign near Angie’s parents’ house. It is nice to see that even the California state bear is doing his part!
Returning to San Francisco is a bit like entering the apocalypse. In addition to the pandemic, there is a record heat wave along with smoke from the record wildfires nearby. To escape the heat, we took a drive (socially distanced in separate cars, of course!) to Half Moon Bay one relatively smoke-free day.
Pillar Point Bluff is a favorite spot for Angie’s family, and a hike on the beautiful cliffs above the ocean is a regular part of any visit.
Even with all the covid-related safety precautions, it’s still great to have some family time with Angie’s parents.