In fourteen hundred and ninety two, Columbus sailed the ocean blue….

Where he ended up was San Salvador in the Bahamas, which is exactly where we also happen to be today. In normal times, we’d stop to have a look at the island at which his ships made landfall and find the monument signifying his arrival.

Instead, we content ourselves with sailing directly across the path that he sailed. We’re sure that even though the island of San Salvador has been further developed in the 500-odd years since Columbus set foot on it, the ocean around it looks exactly the same as it did back then.

The wind has dropped significantly in advance of the arrival of a front, and our speed has dropped with it. But we’re still enjoying the calm seas and warm weather, just like Columbus must have after his long trip across the Atlantic.

All’s well onboard.

Day Five
24 17.4N 74 03.3W