The steady trade winds we’ve enjoyed for the past 5 days continue to drop in advance of an approaching front. Our progress has slowed, but the lighter winds also provide an opportunity – time to fly the spinnaker!

We break out Code Blue – our bright blue lightweight asymmetrical spinnaker – and start to attempt to remember how to run the sheets and other rigging. It all seems a bit hazy, so we check the log book for the last time we’ve flown that sail. Turns out it was February of 2020 at the start of our passage from Easter Island to the Chilean mainland. No wonder we’re a bit fuzzy on the details.

While time has passed and Code Blue has waited patiently in the sail bag on the forward berth, the magic of sailing slowly downwind under a billowing spinnaker hasn’t changed. We keep the sail up until the wind is too light to keep it full, and reluctantly pull it down and switch on the engine for a few hours of motoring until the new wind fills in.

All’s well onboard.

Day Six
25 24.2N 76 09.9W