With a couple of days to burn before our appointments for our vaccine boosters, we checked into a marina to catch up on some boat chores.

While flipping our chain, we took the opportunity to remark the chain – we use colored tie wraps to track how much chain we deploy

We spend most of our time away from marinas – we prefer the scenery, and we like the fresh air that blows through the boat as we swing at anchor. But there are some jobs that are much, much easier while tied to a dock (with unlimited fresh water), so we parked Madrone at Bluewater Marina near downtown Hampton.

While cleaning lockers, we decided to get rid of some extra food; this food pantry donation box was a perfect solution

We washed the outside of the boat, cleaned all of the lockers on the inside of the boat, cleaned the varnished teak inside, scrubbed 7000 miles of staining from the waterline, and flipped our anchor chain end for end so that we can start to use the less-rusty side.

Chores done and vaccines boosted – time to head a bit further north.

Passing the destroyer USS Truxton as we left the Hampton/Norfolk area to head north