After a couple of fantastic months of cruising in Maine, it’s feeling like time to head south. The weather is changing, with the long stretches of beautiful weather between storms starting to shrink. Mornings and evenings are markedly cooler, and we’ve resorted to our trusty Espar diesel furnace to take the chill out of Madrone a few times.

Early morning departure from Maine, with Mike setting up the preventer on the bow as we were leaving Portland and Casco Bay
Portland Head Light catching some morning rays

So, Madrone reluctantly points her bow south, closing a chapter of her journey. After the often-challenging conditions of Patagonia and our Epic Journey back to the US, peaceful cruising in mostly sheltered waters with mostly easy conditions was exactly what boat and crew needed.

After leaving Casco Bay we had a great sail down the Maine coast, then turned in to anchor for the night on the Piscataqua River. We dropped the hook off Fort McCleary State Park in Kittery Point, ME just across the river from Portsmouth, NH
Angie hard at work snapping pictures for the blog
Watch out Madrone!!!!!

We’re not sure where we’ll end up this winter, but it will be somewhere warmer than Maine!