Noon marks the third full day of upwind sailing in the remnants of the giant low pressure system. The wind picked up overnight, gusting over 30 knots, and the sea state deteriorated accordingly.

There are really only three good things to say. First, we’re only close reaching with the apparent wind able at 60 degrees or so – it would be much more uncomfortable if we were hard on the wind. Second, the wind is forecast to drop to less than 20 and swing astern late tonight, so this should be the last day of bashing to windward (if you believe the forecast, which has actually been uncharacteristically poor for the past several days).

And third, we’re about two days from landfall! We’ll get there.

Day Eleven
37 37.1N 34 22.1W
Wind SSE25-30 Waves 8-10’ w occasional larger set – very sloppy sea state