Several trips to the gas station to fill up Madrone’s diesel tank with the 2 jerry cans we have onboard

Over the past few days, we’ve been busy preparing to leave Mexico to head for the Galapagos.  We have mixed feelings –  Mexico has been a fantastic experience.  We’ve lived here for a year now, and during that time we’ve had a chance to understand the country and its culture in ways that wouldn’t have been possible with a shorter visit.

Mike went up the mast to check all of the fittings and wires that hold up the mast

So now we’ve topped off the diesel tanks, filled every spare corner of the boat with food and drinks, and checked out of the country with immigration, customs, and the port captain.

Waiting patiently for the 2 hours it took in the Port Captain’s office to  officially get checked out of Mexico

And we find ourselves with a strange brew of sadness for leaving this place, trepidation for heading into the ocean a long way from land, and excitement for destinations to come.

Immigration officials working on our exit paperwork

The lure of an ocean crossing and a new landfall is a strong pull, though, so we’ll soon hoist the anchor and point Madrone’s bow south and east.  And we won’t say “Adios” to Mexico.  Instead we’ll say “Hasta luego” – see you later.

Enjoying one last afternoon at a palapa restaurant in Mexico overlooking Madrone at anchor